Jet Blast Barriers and Blast Deflectors

Airfield safety, operational efficiency and maximisation of asset usage are paramount to every airport. Airports have a duty to protect people, vehicles, aircraft and buildings from the dangerous high velocity thrust from aircraft according to ICAO, FAA and CAA guidelines.

IAC Jet Blast Barriers are cost-effective, aesthetic, long life solutions that safely deflect and/or diffuse the high velocity wake from aircraft, whether jet, prop or helicopter if taxiing, taking off or carrying out power assurance checks.

The mesh type Jet Blast Barrier changes the direction of the return from jet engines

Mesh Type Jet Blast Barrier

IAC Acoustics A/S Mesh Type Jet Blast Barrier has a special metal net which diverts the jet blast and spreads it upwards at an angle of between 60º and 80º. As the jet stream passes through the barrier, it is mixed with the outside air, which both cools it and the lowers its speed.

Curved Jet Blast Barriers changes the direction of the return of a jet engine

Curved Type Jet Blast Barrier

IAC Acoustics A/S Curved Jet Blast Barrier are rated for Full Power and diverts the slip stream directly into the air. Curved Jet Blast Barrier can be upgraded as a noise screen with an effect of 10-15dB.

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